This is the first episode where we affiliate ourselves wit the
PODGODS Podcast Network. Check them out at
http://www.podgodsnetwork.com Check us out on there! They support what we do, and they help us get our crazy wramblings into more peoples ear drums. So there is a super short promo at the start and a promo to another PodGods podcast that we dig at the end of this episode. In this episode Tommy, Chubby, and special guest Abe throw a little gathering. They fill up the Batman beer cooler that they talk about in Episode 22 & 23 full of beer and talk about all sorts of random things. Plenty of fat jokes. Chubby saw Gotye and tells all about it. Tommy went to Riot Fest in Chicago and tells all about it. Studio audience and peanut gallery: Trina, Smiley, Ashley, Bob, & War Machine.
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@GICPodcast and send us some feedback! We'll read it on the next episode.