Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Episode 60 - 9 More To Go

Download Episode 60 - 9 More To Go

68% of the time we talk over our theme song. 1% of the time we don't. Bob is playing Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion on Ps3. Mickey Mouse can't sing, nor dance. But he can fight like a bad ass. Winston was a Marine. When ever Chubby sees a booty pointed at him. He makes a sub conscience fart noise. #ClassyFarts. Chubby sang lead vocals FOR the punk rock band Guttermouth the previous weekend. Tommy & Chubby both spent way too much money on comics this week. They discuss what they each picked up. 

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Episode 59 - Tron Javolta

Download Episode 59 - Tron Javolta

NEW CARS! Killing demons with stuff. War Machine is playing Borderlands 2 in the background the whole time. Butt Cabbage. Chubby wants you to Nude Google. Noogling. Dante's Inferno. Old Simpsons Vs. New Simpsons. Dude-bro jokes.  BARF HEAD. BAR FED. Insanity. Winston kicks a large amount of ass. Was Winston really the man for the job in Ghostbusters? We discuss. 

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